Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sunday at the Visitors Center

Sunday we went to Sacrament meeting and then headed over to the visitors center to look around and watch the Joseph Smith movie.
My GENIUS photography skills captured this PERFECT picture.

Nauvoo Swimming

We stayed at the Nauvoo Family Inn, the same hotel that we were supposed to stay at years ago when we had our Bentley family reunion in Nauvoo. For the family reunion, the hotel had not been completed yet, so we ended up staying in those little cabin motels. Does anybody remember that?
After a scorching day of walking around carrying kids and pushing strollers, we decided to cool down in the afternoon with a nice swim. Alivia loved having Taft throw her into the air and catch her.

Claire and Elise really enjoyed the hot tub. I decided to stay out of the pool because the humidity from the day caused me to swell into miss piggy. I kid you not, my feet didn't fit into any of the shoes I brought. I wish I had taken a picture. Luckily, the swelling went down as soon as we got back to Chicago.

Long Ride to Nauvoo

After the raining day at the zoo, we packed up the car and made the 5 hour drive to Nauvoo. This post is only covering the car ride.
Simply because these girls are crazy enough to give you an entire post with just a road trip.

And these pictures are in order. . .

Elise attempting to make the hand monster that Taft taught her. . . Only Taft's wasn't the bird or any kind of gang sign.

Alivia wanting in on the action.

Claire putting on her angel face.

Jenny might kill me for this, but this is a real blog, and I put on real pictures. . . as long as they aren't of me!

See my hand? This is after a good hour of her demanding that I hold her hand or she would cry. And see that sweat? I think I remember some road trip stories about a sweaty Jenny rubbing up on Angie. Like mother, like daughter.

We had to wake Elise up to put on a pull up for the long nights ride. If any of you have ever woken Elise up from a nap, it is like she's coming out of a coma. Her entire body shakes and she is overcome with confusion. To then tell her to stand up so you can put her jammies on is beyond her comprehension. She was so terrified that people/police could see inside the car.

Attempting the Zoo

The first Friday we decided to attempt the Lincoln Park Zoo. This is the first and I believe only picture we actually got from an exhibit. Believe it or not, there is actually a bear in the background.

Mostly we kept the picture for the classic Claire and Elise faces. After this one exhibit, it decided to monsoon. Seriously. We found a room with a rope jungle gym thing where we spent the next hour and a half, and then decided to venture home.

We got SOAKED just running to the bus stop. I had to grab the camera because Livy wouldn't stop shivering and smiling at the same time. I think they were loving the adventure of Chicago and it's transportation system.

Kinda Creepy Yet Seriously Hillarious

With Jenny and Josh living in a one bedroom this summer, we had to get creative with the living arrangements. Livy lucked out and actually got her own closet, unlike the girls who are sharing one. . . one huge one. . . so don't feel too bad for them.
Anyways, Livy had been down for her nap for awhile and Jenny decided to go down the hall and check on her. When she walked around the corner, this little one had pried her chubby fingers into the crack of the door and managed to open it. She decided not to say anything, just wait for Jenny to find her.

Seriously, she was just sitting there waiting with this little grin on her face.

Childrens Museum Part 1

I kind of slacked off with pictures the first time we went to the children's museum. But it is just as amazing as Angie had told us. Worth every penny of the membership.
I only got a couple pictures of Livy while the girls were off climbing a rope structure, but I'm sure Jenny has plenty more on her camera that she can add later, and if not, don't sweat it because we pretty much go here 1.5 times a week now.

Driving the ambulance. . . but I think the first time we went she was more excited about the admissions bracelet they gave her.

North Ave. Beach

Their first Monday here, we arranged to meet some of the ward playgroup at North Ave. beach. It was a perfect day for the beach- HOT! Jenny meticulously put SPF 45 on all of her children, proceeded to have me rub her down, and then forgot about me. Needless to say, I got scorched. We're talking 2nd degree, multiple layers of blisters, here. I don't really blame Jenny since I wanted some sun, but it was fun to turn her kids against her after they saw my sore skin. They defensively asked her for the next 2 weeks why she didn't remember to put sunscreen on me.
Just a cute picture of Livy since I love this girl in a swimsuit! I'm sure there will be lots more to come. . . especially since this pose is rare. She is usually on her belly face first eating the sand.

Jenny and Elise spent some time making this mermaid, complete with shell bra. Jenny was pretty proud.

Claire found a dead butterfly and wanted to bring it home to show Josh and Taft. Disgusting. The only way I could get her to leave it at the beach was to take a picture of her with it and tell her we would pick it up next time. . . muah ha ha.
Except the joke is on me. I had no idea what I started. Now the girls make me take pictures of everything or they won't leave it. If they make something cool with play dough, you better believe they make me document it! If they hug a cool lamp post outside, I better have my camera ready. Don't believe me? I have the pictures to prove it and the time to document it!